I was delighted when this dragonfly decided to take a rest in my garden. I have seen dozens this year, or perhaps one or two a dozen times, but they seldom stay still long enough from me to get a picture. This one is perched on stake amongst my tomato plants.
"Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragon-fly
hangs like a blue thread loosened from the sky:-
so this winged hour is dropt to us from above.
oh! clasp we our hearts for deathless dower,
this close companioned inarticulate hour
when twofold silence was the song of love."
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
... so delicate,
so dainty,
perhaps the inspiration for Tinker Bell
...can fairies be far away...
... and now to painting, I have made some progress on the painting I previewed last week.
I thought I had taken another picture of the process, but can't find it now so here it is, no name, not signed but finished, well maybe ...
It is a covered archway in a town in the Veneto region of Italy.
Thanks for dropping by, happy Wednesday, until next time,