A new year and new beginnings. Resolutions made that might be starting to look unattainable, one of mine has to do with getting back to swimming regularly. I used to swim faithfully three times a week but then .... so far I have been once this week (it's a start).
The daylight is increasing a bit every day, that is a good thing. I am still having trouble with the lack of light and sunshine (low energy level); I wonder whether the lack of sunlight hit me harder this year because after my cataract surgery (last spring) I got used to having much more light ... and now we are in the dark days.
There is usually a lot of dark, wet weather here this time of year. Today for instance both the paper and the weather man on the radio predicted light rain and it has been pelting down all day, with snow at higher elevations.
But enough of that, a few days ago the day started cold and clear and I was out early with camera in hand and here is what I found in my garden:
These little frost covered birds on a small ornament were catching the first rays of sun.
The remains of a late flowering rose.
Sage, mint and parsley adorned with frost.
The spent flower heads first and then my Hen and Chickens Cactus or should I say Cacti.
Frozen fruit and vegetables; chard first and then strawberry plant.
Oregon Grape, Azalea, and Rhododendron:
The last few leaves still cling to the maple tree.
There were a few feathered friends enjoying the bounty at the feeders and not terribly bothered by my presence.
A dark eyed Junco.
A sparrow, a Song Sparrow I think.
A bright eyed Bushtit on the suet feeder.
Black capped chickadee
And lastly one of our garden ornaments, a gargoyle named Alabar, in rear and front views.
I have to admit that after the busy time in mid to late December I seem to have been in a hibernation phase as far as getting anything accomplished in the studio. But I do have a picture to share with you; it is a picture of one of the small towns in the Cinque Terre in the Liguira region of Italy. A watercolour titled "A walk on the Cinque Terre" that I painted for my husband.
More details on this painting at GillianOlsonArt
Thanks for dropping by, with a special thank you to those that leave comments for me, good luck with your resolutions, Happy Whimsy Wednesday, until next week ..............